LIT & LAB. A History and Anthology of English and American Literature with Laboratories. Looking into Art. A Survey of British and American Art from the Origins to the Present AgePer le Scuole superiori

Un libro scolastico usato di Spiazzi Marina, Tavella Marina, edito da Zanichelli, 2000

LIT & LAB. A History and Anthology of English and American Literature with Laboratories. Looking into Art. A Survey of British and American Art from the Origins to the Present AgePer le Scuole superiori

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  • Prezzo: € 13,95

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Looking into Art. LIT & LAB. A History and Anthology of English and American Literature with Laboratories. A Survey of British and American Art from the Origins to the 20th century

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"Lit & lab. a history and anthology of english and american literature with laboratories. looking into art. a survey of british and american art from the origins to the present ageper le scuole superiori" è disponibile anche NUOVO su

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Informazioni bibliografiche

Autore: Spiazzi Marina, Tavella Marina
Editore: Zanichelli, 2000
Reparto: Lingue, Lingua e cultura straniera: inglese
Genere: Inglese
Ean/Isbn: 9788808116048


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