Occult Tarot: (78 Cards and 112-Page Guidebook)

Un libro usato di Travis Mchenry, edito da Rockpool publishing, 2020

Occult Tarot: (78 Cards and 112-Page Guidebook)

  • Condizioni: NUOVO
  • Prezzo: € 33,00

Inserzione valida fino al 31/12/28, inserita il 12/06/23

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Note dell'Inserzionista

How can we possibly embrace our truest self if we never step into the dark? Author and occultist Travis McHenry reveals the secret daemons of the 17th-century and conjures their powers into this unique set of 78-divination cards. Drawing on daemons, symbols, and sigils from ancient magickal grimoires including Archidoxis Magica and the Key of Solomon, Occult Tarot presents a fully realized divination tool to finally embrace and behold the mysteries of the night. The first tarot deck to faithfully adhere to the Solomonic principles of demon conjuration, Occult Tarot allows practitioners to discover the power of ancient demons and learn to tame the beasts that wander between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Altri prodotti attualmente disponibili dell'inserzionista LIBRERIALIBRARIA

Informazioni bibliografiche

Autore: Travis Mchenry
Editore: Rockpool publishing, 2020
Reparto: Religione e spiritualità
Ean/Isbn: 9781925924213


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