Design and the Question of History - Tony Fry, Clive Dilnot - 2015

Un libro usato di Dilnot Clive, Fry Tony, Stewart Susan C., edito da Bloomsbury usa academic,

Design and the Question of History - Tony Fry, Clive Dilnot - 2015

  • Condizioni: BUONE
  • Prezzo: € 135,00

Inserzione valida fino al 31/12/28, inserita il 13/06/23

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Design and the Question of History - Tony Fry, Clive Dilnot - 2015

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Informazioni bibliografiche

Autore: Dilnot Clive, Fry Tony, Stewart Susan C.
Editore: Bloomsbury usa academic,
Reparto: Design
Genere: Design
Ean/Isbn: 9780857854766


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