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Modern Office Limited. English for commerce aggiunto a carrello

Modern Office Limited. English for commerce

LIBRO SCOLASTICO usato di Sheila Stanwell, Sandra Nicholls, edito da Oxford University Press 1980

Modern Office Limited. English for commerce

Un libro scolastico usato di Sheila Stanwell, Sandra Nicholls, edito da Oxford University Press, 1980
Stato Conservazione: BUONO
€ 33.00
libro usato venduto da: LibreriaLibrAria
(Inserzione scaduta il 05/07/2024)
Non più in vendita

Sheila Stanwell, Sandra Nicholls
Oxford University Press 1980

Modern Office Limited is the textbook of the BBC English by Radio series Modern Office Limited: English for Commerce. It is intended for those who already know some English and who need to study the English used in offices. Also published to accompany this textbook are four one-hour cassettes containing the forty dialogues which occur in the broadcasts and specially designed spoken exercises to supplement the printed exercises. The book can be studied on its own, but it will be found more effective when used either with the cassettes or with the radio broadcasts or, better still, with both. Piccolo strappo in copertina.

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