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The Still Traveller aggiunto a carrello

The Still Traveller

LIBRO usato di Marigliani Leonardo, edito da Youcanprint 2023

The Still Traveller

Un libro usato di Marigliani Leonardo, edito da Youcanprint, 2023
Stato Conservazione: NUOVO
€ 16.50
libro usato venduto da: LibreriaLibrAria
(Inserzione valida fino al 31/12/2028)
Aggiungi al Carrello

Marigliani Leonardo
Youcanprint 2023

Rome, summer. Boiling hot weather. A man walks the sidewalk back and forth, gradually moving dozens of suitcases, bags and sacks. What would you think when, as the days go by, it becomes clear that he has decided to settle down right there? What would your neighbours think? He stands still, does not speak, barely eats anything. Would you try to kick him out or would you attempt to get to know him? The story of two men who, lost in the great sea of ​​life, struggle with the chains they have built for themselves. A story that claims the value of small things and that teaches the importance of diversity. Special guest, a rocking horse.

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Altri libri con autore: Marigliani Leonardo